Art or Antique collections are no longer the preserve of the rich. Many people are now building their own collections often within a small budget. So where do you start.? This blog aims to give you a few tips to set you on your path to starting your own portfolio of art or antiques without breaking the bank. Here are several tips to set you on the road to being a bona fide collector of art/antiques/ collectables

  1. Buy what you like . This is generally the first piece of advice most collectors will give to a budding collector. Tastes in the market change but if you have bought something you like it is with you forever. Look for new and exciting stuff dont be put off by current market trends
  2. Do your homework. There is a wealth of information out there. Books, the internet, auctions. Read up on it. Visit galleries, museums etc even local ones to get a taste of what is out there and increase your knowledge. Enrol on a course at your local college, there is so much information out there. Tap into it.
  3. Be patient dont be too ambitious too soon. The key is to start small and then grow. Try to find affordable limited editions of art or unique furniture or collectables
  4. Know where to look collections can grow from many sources. The best source is to start local or online. Visit local auctions, fairs and festivals. You can find a great range of antiques and particularly collectable ítems at local fairs etc. If these are not available to you there is a huge amount of options available online.
  5. Be strict and stay disciplined like any shopper the temptation is always to spend beyond your means. It is important from the outset to have a Budget and to stay within it. There are thousands of exquisite things to be found out there all at affordable prices. Remember you need to be selective in your purchases. This is not a piece of clothing to wear on a night out. With the best intentions it is an investment whether you choose to sell it or not.
  6. Passion or Profit? The last paragraph leads smoothly onto this! Knowing why you are collecting has a significant bearing on your budget and your future course of action. Are a speculative buyer? ¨Buy low sell high?´ or simply a collector of things you like?

Here at 2nd home Vintage, Antiques and Home Treasures we offer a range to suit everybody. We recognise that the antique, art and collectables market has changed

significantly and grown enormously in the last few years. We offer a large choice of furniture, ceramics and glassware, art and other collectables to enhance your home.

We are pleased to offer a personalised service to our clients and will be happy to source requests based on the needs of individual clients. We have extensive contacts in the antiques market with access to a wide range of products.

Please contact us on our website address where our team will be happy to help you with any requests/ queries you may have.